My ability to listen deeply, respond creatively to challenges and place life in a wide perspective sets my coaching apart.  

Using an integral, whole-person approach, I develop customized coaching programs that lead to personal and professional growth. Clients I work with have a desire to live with purpose, maximize their talent, increase their impact, while also showing up in ways that feel good for their families, communities and themselves. 

My coaching is rooted in more than 20 years leading teams and organizations (Madison Strategies Group, International House of RI) and complex projects with multiple stakeholders, including large philanthropic foundations (Robin Hood Foundation, Social Finance, RI Foundation), corporations (Mastercard, WeWork, Mt Sinai Health Systems) and government agencies (RI State Council on the Arts, NYC Center for Youth Employment). I’ve been the recipient of leadership awards and I’m known as somebody who can inspire teams and achieve objectives in outcome-driven environments. 

I also have more than 20 years of experience in frameworks including leadership development, mindfulness and meditation, and a variety of communication modalities. I’m committed to living a purposeful life, where work is placed in the right alignment with other priorities - family, health, spirituality, civics, and a deep appreciation for life. Essential to my journey has been an ongoing inquiry into creating meaningful work that integrates into a broader life. 

I’m a Certified Integral Coach through New Ventures West and an Associate Certified Coach by the International Coach Federation (ICF). I have a Bachelor’s Degree from Brown University and a Master’s Degree in Education from Manhattanville College. 

My Values & Influences

  • I aspire to navigate the complexity of our modern world with resilience and believe that sometimes the best approach is to keep things simple and live one day at a time.

  • I give a damn about enjoying life while maintaining a vigorous relationship to reality and truth.

  • I care about how we communicate and believe that effective relationships start with seeing ourselves clearly and empathetically.

  • Modalities that inform my coaching include Integral Coaching, Focusing, Hakomi Method, IFS, NVC, Leadership Embodiment, Polarity Work, Recovery, Mindfulness/Meditation.

My Approach

My coaching focuses on the practical and doable, meeting you exactly as you are at a particular moment in time, and addressing your specific challenge or aspiration. I help you to uncover blind spots so that you see your life more clearly and fulfill your potential. The approach is also deep and long-term, exploring recurring patterns, supporting your development over time, and ultimately helping you to build the capacity for sustainability. 

As an integral coach, I also actively participate in my own personal development. I strongly believe that, “you can’t give away something that you don’t have.” I show up as your coach “walking the walk” and not just “talking the talk”. 

If you are looking for someone to tell you what to do, give you a plan for your life, define your direction for you - I’m not the coach for you. I believe in your intelligence. I will show up 100% and provide the space for you to clarify your purpose and chart your course of action. I will be your enthusiastic ally,  dependable sounding board, and thoughtful partner.

What Clients Say

  • Having Alex as a coach helped me in ways that are hard to capture in a few sentences, but I will try. From the start, I felt an incredible sense of comfort and ease with him. He helped me reframe how I see myself and to tap into inner strengths I did not know I possessed. Alex guided me through a process of self-discovery and personal growth, and did so in a way that created a natural and authentic connection. He suggested many ideas for helping me to imagine what my life, personal and professional, could be like and provide me with practical tools to bring those to fruition. I would wholeheartedly recommend Alex to anyone considering hiring a coach.

    -Yonah David, Senior Account Manager, Causewatch. Israel

  • My session with Alex opened up a lot of great material to explore. He helped me feel immediately comfortable and seemed to "get" me right off the bat. He has a wonderfully intuitive approach that took me much deeper than I've been able to go with many other therapists and coaches. I recommend Alex for anyone looking for coaching and personalized practices that go beyond the mind to our deeper influences and longings.

    -Nancy Alder, Integrative Clinic Manager. San Rafael, California

  • Alex has a great balance of curiosity, care and engagement. I really appreciated the relational space in sessions and the feeling that we were always having a deep and flexible dialogue. With Alex's guidance, I learned techniques and framings that now make it easier for me to tap into different pieces of myself and bring a greater span of wisdom to questions in my life, both big and small. I now have a daily reflective/meditative practice that is a huge additional support to my more typical analytical approach, and I feel a greater ease and comfort navigating challenges in my life as a result.

    - Jesse Kriss, Head of Security, Infrastructure, and IT at Watershed. San Francisco, CA.

  • I really appreciated that Alex was in it with me and could help me better see what I was doing and what I wasn’t doing. He’s a fantastic lister and asked questions that allowed me to gain better clarity. It was a very practical, experiential approach that enabled me to try different things and I really appreciated that.

    -Jim Schuch Strategy Director, TBWA\Chiat\Day. Los Angeles, California

  • Alex listens closely and asks key questions that point you in the direction of your truth. He has knowledge of, and access to, outside resources that can guide you on your path. (Books, courses, teachers, etc) Just tell him what you want and he will help you re/frame it, and possibly achieve it!

    -Shira Sergant, Professor & Communications Professional. Los Angeles, California

  • I found it was really beneficial to set aside some dedicated time for myself to talk through what I was thinking and feeling on a day-to-day basis. I always uncover a lot during coaching sessions. Having Alex guide the conversation helped me sort through all the noise and get to the root of what I'm feeling.

    -Beth Evans, Event Planner & Business Owner. Ottawa, Canada

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